Are You Getting the Most Out of Our Online Quoting System?
18 October 2024
We want to share some handy tips to make brokers’ lives easier and help you save time when getting quotations from us. Here are some additional insights to help you avoid common pitfalls:
Did You Know?
Updating quotes: If you only need to make changes to a quote, there’s no need to rekey the whole quote. Simply add the additional information to a case note. For significant changes or if the entire risk is changing, only then would a new quote be necessary.
Target Premiums: To help us provide a competitive premium, please include a genuine target premium with the quote. This allows us to tailor our offer to meet your needs more effectively.
Avoid Duplication: Adding details to the “Additional Info” section will automatically refer the quote. If you’ve already provided these details in the quote, there’s no need to duplicate them here.
Automatic Notifications: When you add a case note, there’s no need to send an email. Our system automatically notifies the underwriter handling your quote.
Trading Names: Ensure that both the entity name and trading name are provided at the quote stage to avoid any delays.
Credit Terms: Our credit terms are strictly 30 days, unless otherwise agreed with us. It’s important to settle accounts within this timeframe to maintain smooth operations.
Need Assistance?
If you need to speak to an underwriter, you can reach out via our online chat ‘Tawk’ found at the bottom of our quote engine or call our underwriting team on 0333 032 5000.
Our automated telephone system will direct you to the correct team based on your needs: 1. New Business, 2. Renewals, 3. Claims, or 4. Accounts.
For new business or renewals, you’ll be given further options: 1. SME, 2. Property and Household, 3. PI, 4. Commercial Combined, or 5. Other Commercial. Choosing the correct option will ensure you are connected to the right team immediately.
We hope these tips help you navigate our online quoting system more efficiently. Our goal is to make your experience as smooth and productive as possible. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’re here to support you every step of the way. Happy quoting!